New Reebok Nano 3.0s. Love them!

Wednesday: 3 miles before work, 8 miles after
Thursday: Crossfit, 1.5 mile jog
*I now have two colors of Nano 3.0’s and am officially obsessed. Get ya some

Yesterday began with a little time with my friends from Back on My Feet. I try to squeeze so much into my mornings that I can’t go as often as I’d like but I’m always glad when I do. We had a few miles of hills to complete and for once, I got a pretty decent workout.

Often, I stay back with the guys that have to walk so I don’t often really do much actual working out but I was pleasantly surprised yesterday to run the entire time — the first have with George, the second half with Darrell. Both are pretty good at keeping pace and not walking 🙂

However, with a November marathon looming, I know I need to start building up more mileage if I want to have a chance at not being miserable in that marathon. I opted to skip Crossfit after work and run the 8 miles from my office to home.

My body just doesn’t function well after work. The run is always so hard, always with some kind of stomach issue, feeling like I’m moving super slow. I didn’t really care about pace and just told myself to make it home running. I ran with my Camelbak, which was awesome.

How did I NOT get a Camelbak for running until this year? I’ve seriously been missing out — love this thing.

I listened to Pandora as usual. I tried updating my account to the paid service where you get unlimited music and no ads but the phone kept telling me it couldn’t update the information so I suffered through ad after ad. Oh well, still got some good tunes.

The weather yesterday was totally amazing — not hot for once! A little breeze, a little bit of coolness, great for an evening run. Despite my physical struggles, I enjoyed the scenery and always take energy from seeing different folks along the way.

I even ran into my friend Stephanie, who is training for a marathon next month! Woo hoo — I think it’s her first so I’m wishing her big luck and can’t wait to hear all about it!

I finally ran it into my apartment complex and went upstairs for a quick shower. It was a hard run but I felt awesome afterward. I was that kind of hungry that you feel like you could eat a horse and anything will taste so good.

We opted for an old favorite, Jimmy Johns. I’m so uncreative when it comes to getting food — same things over and over because they are close. However, JJ never disappoints and it was totally delicious. My legs were happy sore and I had that “run happy” feeling to soothe my normal nighttime anxieties. In fact, they were barely existent. Woo hoo!

So I woke up this morning ready for some strength moves at Crossfit. You know I hate to miss a day but I had to yesterday so I was excited to get there this AM. Here was the WOD:

Strength: Front Squat: 8,6,6 @ 70, 75, 80% EMOM for 12 minutes:
  • 1 deadlift
  • 1 squat clean
  • 1 front squat

Workout should be performed at 80-90% of 1RM front squat or as heavy as possible. 

So I did this at 80lbs but I think I could have gone 85. Next time!
How have your weekday workouts been this week? Do you mix it up or keep it the same each day? I like variety!
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