Blogger class at Mind Your Body Oasis (scroll for review!)

Weekend Highlights

What a great weekend! I couldn’t have asked for better, more perfect weather. It seriously makes life a thousand times better — sunshine!

Started off Friday night watching “Life of Pi” — which was so-so. I actually really loved the book and even did a review of it, but was not that impressed by the movie despite the beautiful cinematography.

Saturday morning I woke up and headed to crossfit for a fun workout. I got paired up with a guy twice my size but that wasn’t a problem because we used our own weights 🙂

It was a heavy running WOD with weighted situps (15lbs), weighted step back lunges (20lb dumbbells) and burpees. My arms were SO sore from all the pull-ups on Friday! But, of course, this made me happy because it means I’m building those pull up muscles!


Saturday evening, R and I headed to a housewarming party for my friend Amy — where we met some pretty fun people. I met one girl who is in the roller derby so we talked about how much I loved the movie “Whip It” — and she told me it’s not really like that but…still loved the movie too.

She’s convinced me to join the DC Rollergirls for one of their “off skate” workouts. I’m totally doing it — and blogging about it so derby workout here we come!

Mind Your Body Oasis

On Sunday, I got a fabulous invite to check out a new yoga studio right down the road from my house. Mind Your Body Oasis is a gorgeous space with much more to offer than just yoga classes, too.

The owner, Amanda, offered a free yogalates class to some local bloggers and I was lucky enough to be included. I don’t do much yoga but every time I do, I think to myself — man, I should do this more often.

There are two yoga rooms — and this was the smaller of the two. They provided mats and yoga props needed for the hour. I don’t really know the difference between yoga and pilates but this seemed like a fairly standard class — similar to the few yoga classes I’ve taken in the past. I can definitely see how you would build strength and balance doing this regularly. That chair pose will get ya!

From the MYBO website (this is the room I was in): 

After the class, we were invited to tour the studio — which was much  bigger than I expected. The studio is located in the Crystal City mall area in the newly renovated and beautiful new area.

In the back of the studio, there was a long hallway with various paintings on the wall, a couple of massage therapy rooms, a huge hot yoga studio, and a locker room with really nice showers and steam room with Far Infrared Heat Therapy — which delivers the benefits of a hot yoga class. (Learn more about why Far Infrared Heat Therapy is helpful to your body here.)

The environment was definitely calming and peaceful, the art appropriate. Additionally, the music played during class was perfect for the mood.

The cool thing about this studio is that the owner, Amanda, is really fulfilling a personal dream by opening it. She used to be in sales but decided to go for this opportunity and told me she is much happier now.

I love Mind Your Body Oasis because it is more than a yoga studio. It’s a full body wellness facility, where they specialize:

While you are there, you can get food from Postmodern Foods, a company based on the belief that healing can come from the “nourishing ability of organic and whole foods.” I love that concept and believe in in it myself.

I’m excited that MYBO is actually about 2 miles from my house and conveniently located right at the CC metro station. I’m not sure I will be doing a ton of yoga but I like the idea of the healing massages and food. Plus, I think I need to try hot yoga just once in my life to see how bad I suck — ha ha, just kidding.

It was a pleasure to check out this new studio and after my afternoon there, I would definitely recommend folks in the area check it out if you are looking for a total body wellness facility. Plus, it’s clear the owner is in this for the right reasons and she was also a wonderful teacher.

Hot yoga studio: 

I’m also glad I got to meet a few new bloggers! Some included in our photo above:

I wish I had gotten to chat with all you ladies but hopefully next time!

Get Your Run On

After an hour of yogalates, with sun streaming down like heaven, I was hurting for a run. I had meant to do it earlier but never did so…I ran out of the studio and straight to the Mt. Vernon trail for six miles of bliss.

Whenever I’m heavy into crossfit, I don’t run much so it always feels amazing when I put in some miles. I kicked it into high gear listening to my “pre-game rap” Pandora station. The trail was totally packed with bikers and walkers and picnickers by the airport but I kind of love that atmosphere.
I ran about six miles and was totally exhausted by the time I got home…but it felt amazing to workout hard on a Sunday, when I usually struggle with whether or not to do anything at all.

Loved wearing my Lululemon pants for actual yoga — and they are good for running as well. This Under Armour tank…not so conducive to running. Ahh well. I’ve been opting for my New Balance shoes for running lately, which surprises me because they aren’t what I would normally pick. I’m glad NB offered me a review pair because they are working out well.

How was your weekend? Did you try anything new like I did? Did the weather make you insanely happy? Talk to me!