Run: 3.5 miles

Kind of cool I can just run on past this on a random Wednesday morning, isn’t it? Um, yeah, I think so. Sometimes I also run right behind the White House (I saw Bo once!) though I’ve not yet seen President Obama out for an early morning jog 🙂

Woke up this morning tired tired tired but still bundled up and got in the car to drive down to Clean and Sober Streets DC and run with my friends at Back on My Feet. 

I am MEGA sore from yesterday’s workout (hello kettle bell swings, we hadn’t hung out in awhile) so I needed to take it easy but it was super refreshing today.

It’s hard to get up and out there so cold and early but if you dress properly, early morning chill runs are some of the best. We did a new route today — run up and and around the Capitol building 3-4 times. It’s pretty nice because you get some hills, then some mercy, then hills again.

Running in the moonlight is an experience like no other. You’ve got to try it!

Stretching post-run this morning in DC

There’s also something about being with other people who get themselves out of bed to do this on a regular basis. It’s not necessarily easy or convenient for me to drive from Alexandria to DC, then back to Alexandria and then metro to work in DC. But…I’ve found the value is in the people and the experience.

Starting your day with 10 hugs, smiles and the serenity prayer almost can’t be topped.

Whenever I am anxious (which seems to be a lot these days) or stressed, going to BoMF can kind of re-center me. It’s like, I take the focus off of myself and start asking someone else how they are doing. Someone who is trying really hard not to take a drink or do drugs because it could literally ruin their lives. Someone who is struggling to get clean and find a job to take care of their kid. Someone who is trying to kick this addiction one more time — some of them for 15 years. Keep coming back, it works if you work it. That’s what they say at AA meetings, which I’ve now attended for the sobriety ceremonies of some of our members.

Even if you can’t join BOMF, a lesson learned from my experience is this: stop thinking about you and start thinking about someone else. It will wonders for your perspective, contentment and fulfillment in life. It isn’t easy to step away from yourself but once you do it, you know how important it was.

Serenity prayer and circle after the run this morning.

Anyway, I’m back home now. Thought I only ran 3.5 sloooow miles this morning, my mind, body and spirit are ready for a better day.

You can read more about my experiences with Back on My Feet by clicking here and scrolling to the bottom of the page to the section of the same name. 

Do you ever run in the moonlight? Do you have something that helps you re-center and gain perspective about life?
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