“You have to wonder at times what you’re doing out there. Over the years, I’ve given myself a thousand reasons to keep running, but it always comes back to where it started. It comes down to self-satisfaction and a sense of achievement.” 

                                                                                               – Steve Prefontaine

Isn’t that a great shirt — and quote? Obviously, Pre is one of the most famous runners of all time. It’s nice to have a role model like that to give us our “fierce” when we need to pull it out.

While I’m just as guilty as the next person to pretend to be Kara Goucher during a race, sometimes I think we forget to make the people we actually know our inspirations.

I got a note the other day from a friend who reads this blog. She let me know that she has found me to be an inspiration for running. I was so honored to read this note from her. I write this little blog because it’s a place I can get out all my “stuff,” keep my myself accountable and enjoy the community of so many like-minded readers. It’s truly awesome (thank you for being here!)

But her note reminded me that when I’m running, I can pull out “real” people in my life to keep me going. After all, this run is about you so it makes sense to channel in on the people who are most important to you.

It also reminded me of Jeff, who ran across America in prayer day after day. I’ve also heard of people dedicating each mile of a marathon to someone in their life.  Here are just a few people in my life that could be part of my next race:

  • I might think of my Grandma, strong and gracious and so kind, having battled and beat cancer more times than should have been possible.
  • I might think of my Aunt Cheryl, who has become a Mom a second time around to raise her beautiful grandson, Cameron.
  • I might think of Rick, who overcame a million odds to become the strong, smart, good-hearted man he is today.
  • I might think of my friend Heather, who has shown me in action a thousand times what it means to love other people more than yourself (and continues to show me!).
  • I might think of Esperence, the little girl from that I came to love this summer — and the joy in her heart despite having so little. 

And writing that — just a FEW examples of the good people I can draw inspiration from in my life — makes me know there is plenty to take from when the going gets tough. Not just during a marathon — but the other “marathons” life throws at you. There’s always a finish line. Just keep going and remember to think about the people that got you this far.

QUESTION: Who can you draw inspiration from? Why? Would love to hear about your people!
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