How excited am I right now?! Really excited!

Next Thursday, I will be flying to Boston courtesy of Reebok to take part in a special Crossfit workshop at Reebok headquarters.

I’m pumped — especially because I have never been to Boston before!

I’m a bit nervous since the event is two days pre-marathon but…I’m not going to overthink it. I may just opt out of squats if it comes down to it.

It will also be great to meet some more of the bloggers I enjoy reading so much. I have already met a few of those going but there’s a whole batch of newbies as well!

I have no doubt this event will put the love of Crossfit back in my bones like a fire.

The plan is to restart hardcore Crossfit in March-ish but…I don’t know if I can actually hold out that long!


Oh man the thoughts about Philly are up and down all the time. I don’t know what my deal is!

And you are especially going to think I’m crazy  because I did something kind of…well…actually crazy.

I signed up for the Rehobath Beach Marathon on December 8th.

I blame peer pressure. 

Except for the fact that I kind of sought it out. I really couldn’t resist signing up for a marathon within driving distance in a place I’ve never been before — where a ton of people I know will be running…right?

My trigger finger on marathon sign ups is kind of on crack. But I know there are only 900 slots available for this race and I didn’t want to miss out, just in case.

It will be my first small marathon — which is kind of scary in and of itself — but also awesome.

I’m really curious to see my final analysis of this crazy marathon season in the end. Three marathons, each three weeks apart. Will I love it or hate it? One thing’s for sure, I will learn and grow and be inspired.

But I’m trying to look at Rehobath like an adventure. If all I need is a marathon to go somewhere new, even better! Currently trying to to convince my sister to get herself on a plane and do this thing with me. We’ve never run a marathon together and it’s one thing we both want to do really  badly. This would be perfect. Please send her vibes to make the decision and sign up before it’s too late!

QUESTION: Are you a dual-sport person? How do you decide what to focus on?

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