Me, Heather, Michelle (thanks to Michelle for the editing job on this one!)

You all know I have some great friends. As life moves through the years, it’s hard to stay as connected. Making plans amid hectic work schedules, committed relationships, children, and most of all — distance — is sometimes a rare occurrence.

But…you make it happen. It would be impossible for me NOT to make it happen. They’ve been there for me through thick and thin — at my worst and my best, literally.  My friends pulled through for me this weekend to celebrate my 30th birthday (uhh, seriously?) — especially Michelle, who planned an awesome night out and Heather, who came all the way from New York in the middle of a busy full-time job and law school life. That was the best gift of all.

Maggie, Michelle, Ari, Me, Heather, Tiffany at POV at the W Hotel

The night began on the rooftop of one of the most scenic points in the city — a place I’d never gone in my 5+ years of living here. So I was excited. Despite the bad weather, the view was still fantastic and I enjoyed every second of it. This photos doesn’t do it justice:


While many of those invited couldn’t make it, I was happy as I could be. Surrounded by some of my best girlfriends, all together at once? That’s kind of like heaven to me, as silly as it sounds. Maybe it’s just me but I think being single most of my life (basically up until last year) made friends much more important for me. I love being in a relationship but I think had I found someone earlier in life, I would have missed out on some really close friendships that have enhanced my life. So I’m thankful for that 🙂

Here are a few more photos from dinner. Then, I mostly put my camera away because it’s no fun to take photos the whole time 🙂

Becki and Jill came by!
Me, Tiffany and Heather
Michelle, Ari, Maggie, Me