— Anything with pumpkin flavor. Special props to pumpkin pie milkshakes.
— Anything with Dark Chocolate. Double points if it includes peanut butter.
— Any George Strait song that comes on.
— Happy hour with my best girlfriends.
— Hanging out with my crush of the moment.
— Freshly brewed coffee in the early morning.
— Trips to Africa.
— My electric blanket on a cold night.
— Any episode of Sex and the City. Anytime.
— The perfect pair of shoes. Or jeans. Or whatever.
— Back massages. Bring it.
— Laying flat on my back in the sunshine. No matter where I am.
— My twice daily face moisturizing session.
— Freckles and a good tan!
— A really great 2-glasses of wine make out session.
— Yoga pants all the time.
— Books — No Kindles for me! Ugh!
— A drink with my Dad the bar in Bloomington.
— Running.
— Popping my toes, knuckles and twirling my hair.
— Crying at weddings. Everytime.
— Sappy songs on my ipod that make me feel like I’m in a movie on the metro.
— People watching and analyzing odd couples. I love the odd couples!
— Facebook. It’s like crack.
— Love.