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I woke up in a bad mood yesterday. I’m prone to bouts of depression sometimes — out of nowhere, for no reason. Feels like it’s been kicking in lately. Even though I woke up less than motivated to talk to anyone or do anything at all, I made myself go to Back on My Feet.

I promptly received about 10 hugs and good mornings and prayed the serenity prayer before heading on a long walk with an injured runner named Darren. He was grateful for the day and told me about reading the Psalms and Proverbs everyday — and his AA material to stay sober. I also saw one of our older members who has fallen off track but come back — man it was good to see him back at a run.

Then, I came to work and ran into an updated story about Dick and Rick Hoyt. I’ve heard about them for several years — the Father-Son team who runs marathons and triathalons together. Rick is severely disabled and his Dad pushes him. They have finished sub-3 multiple times in marathons — wow — and have completed hundreds and hundreds of races together.

I’m in total awe of Dick Hoyt — no matter how many times I hear about him. Here is a man with such heart and such love for his son that he will do anything for him. They started running races in the 70s and what stuck out to me was when Dick recounted the time Rick said to him:

“Dad, when I’m running, it feels like my disability disappeared.” 

Isn’t that enough to make a Dad just want to run with you forever? Just remembering it makes Dick tear up and I really encourage you to watch this video all the way through. The last part really got to me and I was sitting at my work desk crying as I watched. As I thought about I have nothing to be depressed about and everything to live for. 

In the video, they talk about volunteer runners to push those who are disabled and want to race. How cool is that? I’m considering looking into it in the area. I don’t think I could do a whole marathon but a shorter race would be possible.

Anyway, so much to be thankful for, so much to run for, so much to smile about.

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