Like many of you, I think music has passion. Well, some of it. Not Miley Cyrus or Justin Bieber so much but serious artists trying to really SAY something.

There are artists out there who are able to amplify the grit of their personalities and life experiences through their music. And you know they aren’t full of crap.That’s why I love persona of groups like Green Day who say something — and the Beatles, who capture a little human moment and put it to music.

It’s also why I’ve come to love Pink lately. I remember when Pink came out — and she was just some rocker girl with Pink hair. She even seemed kind of mean. But, in the past couple of years, she’s come into her own. She is, as I like to put it, a bad ass chick. She’s putting that bad-assery to work now for The Truth About Love tour — Pink tickets rock!

We’ve seen some of her relationship drama unfold publicly and we know she had a rough childhood. We also know she worked REALLY damn hard for that amazing body she’s got. Both before and after baby! She lost 55 pounds after her baby, Willow, was born!

From on post-baby:

Pink’s routine changed up every day, but always included a heavy dose of cardio and a lot of strength training. She did interval treadmill routines, power yoga, and kickboxing. She only sees Jeanette [her trainer] five days a week now, but says she’s gotten “great results.”

The proud mom also feeds herself and her family a mostly vegan diet, with green favorites such as arugula and asparagus, and healthy carbs including cous cous and brown rice.

But that’s not the main reason I think she is so awesome! It seems to me she came from a rough place and succeeded. She was a troubled kid and now she’s a healthy adult writing music, having a baby and being a good role model! However, she’s real. She’s real in a way that you and I can get. (Side note: I also feel this way about Gwen Stefani, who I love!)

Pink’s song, “Sober” struck a chord with me:

I don’t wanna be the girl who laughs the loudest
Or the girl who never wants to be alone
I don’t wanna be that call at 4 o’clock in the morning
‘Cause I’m the only one you know in the world that won’t be home
…When it’s good, then it’s good, it’s so good till it goes bad
Till you’re trying to find the you that you once had
I have heard myself cry, never again
Broken down in agony just tryna find a friend

It touches on the way I used to feel….meaning, sometimes I would hear myself talking or laughing and all of the sudden think — you are obnoxious, shut up. And being alone used to be a real issue with me — immediately putting me in a depressive state, feeling like if I wasn’t surrounded by friends and people, there was something wrong. Sometimes I felt so ungrounded but no one could understand. It is in lyrics like these that fans can relate and find solace — realizing they are not alone.

The same goes for her song, “F**kin’ Perfect,” which begins, “Made a wrong turn, once or twiceDug my way out, blood and fireBad decisions, that’s alrightWelcome to my silly life. 

So, if you are here on this blog, welcome to my silly life. I’ve definitely made some wrong turns (and you might hear about some of them). I’ve made some bad decisions, I’ve paid the price. I’ve learned a lot and keep doing so. The point is that you aren’t alone. Sometimes it takes a Pink song to help you remember that.

Are you a Pink fan? Tickets are here. 

What musicians do find to be “real”? Who inspires your — or do you relate to and why?
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