Hey guys…I just had to write because I finished with one of my favorite runs in a very long time.

It started with making a new playlist…um, can someone tell me how I JUST now decided to put Eminem’s “Till I Collapse” on my list? That song is bad ass and I will be turning it up and pulling out everything I have when it comes on (hopefully the last .2 🙂 Here’s why:

‘Cause sometimes you just feel tired,
Feel weak, and when you feel weak, you feel like you wanna just give up.
But you gotta search within you, you gotta find that inner strength
And just pull that shit out of you and get that motivation to not give up
And not be a quitter, no matter how bad you wanna just fall flat on your face and collapse.

Another new awesome addition? “Titanium” by David Guetta. Are you kidding me? When I listened to those songs, I seriously went to another place where I was running with all I had — pure abandonment and pure joy. I felt like I was in the movies trying to run for something that really mattered.

I know, I seriously have movie day dreams when I’m running sometimes. I start picturing myself crossing at marathon finish line at some insane time like 3:30 and then dancing like a fool because I’m so happy.

Today was the perfect running day. Cold and crisp with lots of sunshine. I finally got a chance to put my arm sleeves to use. I always have such a hard time deciding what to wear on runs in this weather because I just never know what’s too much.

Even though Rick makes fun of me for wearing arm sleeves (“why don’t you just wear long sleeves?”), they actually do serve a real purpose. Sometimes when you wear long sleeves, your body doesn’t get enough air when you get hot. Wearing sleeves lets air come in the short sleeves but keeps your arms warm.

I wore my new Mizuno Ronin 4 racing shoes. I was on the fence about wearing them for Philly but they actually did me pretty well today. I am reconsidering! Wearing these, along with leaning forward slightly and focusing on a more mid-foot stride are all things that will be new focuses for the race.

I was only going to run 7 miles but was having such a blast with myself that I went for 9.25. I probably shouldn’t have pushed my legs but I just wanted to because it felt good. Oh how I have missed longer runs in the last few weeks. I know, it’s only been 2 weeks since the marathon but I’ve not been running much and feel trapped but I know my legs needed rest.

Anyway, just running along I felt SO happy to be pushing it. I felt so thankful that I could run in the sunshine. I wondered how anyone could NOT like doing this? I mean, it’s not like I love running every single second, every single time (don’t get me wrong) but…the freedom and inspiration was awesome today and well, I hope I never have to give it up 🙂

The face of a happy runner today!

Many thanks to Laura for this awesome post about just enjoying races. As some of you know, Laura has run over 50 marathons and often does them back to back. She’s been an inspiration to me as I take on 3 marathons in one season. She wrote:

I have to admit, I am not the best example of someone who always gives it everything I have. There are a lot of marathons where I take it easy and set other goals (like meeting people or enjoying the scenery). This weekend, in fact, I am running a race that I absolutely don’t expect to PR or even give it my all…

I’ve yet to not “hope I PR” at any marathon though I kind of think this should be my approach to Philly. I’m just going to do what feels good and see what happens. I hope I meet some new people and just enjoy getting to see a new city. Please God let the sun shine!

Anyway, after stressing out A LOT over these next two marathons, I think I finally feel at peace. It didn’t hurt that I was able to make a little extra money this week and ease the pain of the price of all this. I’m doing it and I’m lucky I have a body that can. Am I “comfortable” with these back to back to back marathons? Not necessarily but I saw this and it made me feel better:

I feel bad for people that are too scared to go out of their comfort zone. They are missing so much life. Do something that makes you feel ALIVE – it makes everything else in life make more sense.

QUESTION: How do you get out of your comfort zone?
Go for it, till you collapse: 
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