Running Across America — Literally

Seriously. Two years ago, Jeff Grabosky ran from coast to coast on a prayer-fueled spiritual journey covering up to 60 miles per day pushing a stroller filled with his belongings.Months of foot travel later, he finally made it to the West Coast from California and...

10 Books to Read in 2012

Glorious Pinterest find 🙂 First of all, I’ve been thinking our my Congo kids like crazy this week. Every photo I have in Congo, I am smiling effortlessly…the pure joy that those kids brought to my life is unmatched. I’m starting to think I need...

Eat & Run: A Review

After devouring “Born to Run” and loving it more than any I’ve read in a long time, I was pumped to purchase ultrarunner start Scott Jurek’s book, “Eat & Run.” In fact, I bought it on my Kindle the day it was available and...
FREE: Simple Faith Practices for Busy MomsYes, please!